Digital Marketing Agency

Why Frequent Blog Posting is a Great SEO Strategy

Why Frequent Blog Posting is a Great SEO Strategy - And How to Find Quality Content
Why Frequent Blog Posting is a Great SEO Strategy – And How to Find Quality Content

Why Frequent Blog Posting is a Great SEO Strategy – And How to Find Quality Content

Now more than ever, you’ve got to advertise and market your business online, and spend your marketing budget in the best way possible. With online search activity at an all-time high, the customers you need and the people you want to reach are probably searching Google, Bing, and Yahoo right now. They’re ready to find you, but only if you rank in the search results for multiple relevant phrases. You can achieve this with quality content written for your website about your niche or industry and what people are actively searching for.

You may be asking yourself if now is really the right time to implement some new SEO tactics and spend advertising dollars on SEO. It is. Now is the perfect time to ramp up your search engine marketing strategies, make better use of your advertising budget, and let your business grow to its full potential. And you can do all of that with great SEO content.

Search engine-friendly content is always a winner

Search engine optimized (SEO) content is content that’s created to help a website perform better for Google and the other most popular search engines. This search engine-friendly content is made specifically to reach online searchers using keywords and phrases. The best SEO content is uniquely written, well-written, and is posted to a website or blog frequently. When it comes to Google search result rankings, the more unique, relevant, and frequent the the content is, the better. The more fresh content you add to your website over time, the more free, organic traffic your website will receive. It’s a documented fact. 

For example, the owners of two competing websites can start posting SEO content, trying to outrank one another in Google results. Site A starts posting blog posts relating to popular topics and searches for their industry. So does Site B. Site A enlists the help of a content marketing agency to provide them with optimized blog posts. Site B starts copy-and-pasting old posts. Site A posts twice a week, religiously. Site B started off posting three times a week, then once a week, then once every few weeks, then only every so often. What happens to the two sites? Which one comes out ahead? As you can probably guess, Site A’s tactics are the way to go. Site A will, over time, allow for: 

  • Improved search rankings
  • More search rankings across the board for more search phrases and terms
  • More new inquiries and customers from search traffic
  • A better return on their ad spend overall, since SEO has a great long-term ROI

…and steady growth thanks to strategic SEO methods and strategies. Their content is unique, relevant, and posted on a regular basis. Site B started out with the right idea, but without effective management of SEO content production, they fall behind and miss out on the many benefits of proactive content marketing. 

Your Blog – A place for your SEO content

You want to improve your site’s performance and reap the rewards of content marketing done right. So where can you start? There’s a place on your website that’s perfect for fresh, relevant SEO content posts (or there can be): a blog section. Posting to a blog is a great way to add new, relevant content to your website once a week, several times a week, or even more often. Posting SEO blog content to your website allows you to build it up with the quality and quantity of content you need for a top-performing site. Blog sections tend to get indexed well by Google and ranked well.  

Blog articles are also ideal for getting the keywords and phrases that should be on your website onto your site. These keywords are important because at any given moment, your target audience are typing these words into search engines. The more that these appropriate key terms and phrases show up on your site, the more of a match it will be for anyone searching for them. The more of a match your site is, the higher it will be among relevant search results. 

Posting to your website’s blog regularly lets you make good use of target marketing – reaching the customer base you want to reach. SEO blog content allows you to reach out to as broad or as narrow an audience group as you choose, based on key search terms. Advertising to your target audience gets you straight to the people who are most likely to make a purchase, sign up for an email list, download an app, or take the action you want them to take on your site, and it’s where you should start if you want more customers, more sales, and more website conversion. 

Budget-maximizing content produces higher ROI 

Another excellent thing about SEO blog content is its ROI. Unlike many other forms of online advertising, SEO content can work over and over. Paying per-click can add up fast, the banner ads eventually come down, and last month’s YouTube ads are already forgotten, but the content that you buy stays on your site indefinitely and can continue to be effective for as long as the keywords in it are popular among searchers. For a good deal of SEO content, this can mean it works to boost search result rankings and bring in new customers, FOREVER. And since you only pay for it once, SEO content can start paying for itself with new site traffic and new customers over time. 

Frequent blog posting is a great SEO strategy because it can bring in traffic from Google and other search engines – and that traffic is free. Search engines are how everyone finds almost everything now – got a question, need something, bored at home? – grab the phone or tablet and look something up. That looking something up that leads to a website is known as organic traffic. And many of those online searchers who are looking for what your business or brand can give them will be able to find you more easily when you pop up more often in and nearer to the top of search result pages because of the effective SEO blog content on your website.  

An experienced SEO marketing agency

Getting your blog going and keeping up with an optimal posting schedule doesn’t have to be hard. With the help of an experienced SEO marketing agency, you can start adding blog content to your website and realize your site’s potential to generate more targeted, organic search engine traffic. At Experience Advertising, Inc. we can help you achieve your business-growth goals through our proven search engine marketing strategies. Our U.S.-based team is ready to get you the search-engine-optimized content you need. Contact us today with your content questions, or call: 954-662-8010 for a content marketing consultation. Make great use of your blog and drive in more targeted traffic with unique, customized SEO content from Experience Advertising, Inc.  

CEO and Founder

Evan is the CEO and Founder of Experience Advertising. He has more than 20 years experience and background with ecommerce website marketing. His skill sets include: search engine marketing, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, conversion rate optimization, and other traffic driving and community building strategies.