Hello and thank you for taking a moment to read this post. This is a client/brand that we manage on the CJ affiliate network. We launched this account in July 2018. Over time, we have steadily grown the overall number of publishers/affiliates in the CJ affiliate program account, through our proprietary affiliate recruiting processes, which are unparalleled in the affiliate marketing industry. Also, we have motivated the affiliates in the program with frequent, friendly, helpful affiliate newsletters (which are the best in the industry bar none).
There is a direct correlation between the number of active affiliates/publishers in the program and the overall sales growth driven by affiliates/publishers. This is one of our core strategies to grow affiliate marketing channels for our clients over time. We heavily prioritize recruiting targeted, relevant affiliates and publishers, in order to have a large majority of relevant the affiliates in the program, which tend to convert better than non-relevant publishers.
This is bascially picture perfect affiliate program growth on the CJ affiliate network, the largest affiliate network in the United States. CJAffiliate is our affiliate network of choice for the brands/advertisers that hire our agency to grow their affiliate marketing channel.
If you are looking to grow your affiliate program, partner program, or referral program, contact us for a free evaluation. We only take on clients where we are sure we can deliver value and results (unlike other affiliate agencies).
We look forward to working with your brand to properly grow your affiliate program over time. Thanks for reading this post!