Hey there and thanks for checking out our latest post on running sweepstakes during the holiday shopping season! Companies are always wondering how to really ramp up their social media strategies, build their audiences, and create excitement for their company without breaking the bank. Therefore, I wanted to share with you this quick, effective, proven, and inexpensive social media strategy to grow your audiences such as: company page’s likes and shares, email opt-ins, sales, and tweets for your company. As you know, growing your audiences isn’t necessarily easy. Probably the best way to grow Facebook/Instagram engagement and likes is by running an exciting sweepstakes or contest utilizing a Facebook/Instagram sweepstakes app. All the biggest companies run sweepstakes on a frequent basis, you see them all over social media and TV, and the holidays are probably the best time to do so because people are clamoring to win something great. And people LOVE entering sweepstakes, it’s practically a national pastime.
At my agency, Experience Advertising, we leverage the Woobox.com platform (and other tools) to run our client’s sweepstakes and contests. Here are the steps for launching an inexpensive, effective sweepstakes you can run for you company and launch in hours:
Step 1: Sign-up for a Woobox.com account and choose to run a sweepstakes.
Step 2: Set-up the parameters of your sweepstakes, choose your prize, and upload graphics. (4 graphics are required)
Step 3: Connect Woobox to your Facebook/Instagram pages.
Step 4: Launch your sweepstakes!
Step 5: Announce and promote the sweepstakes on your Facebook page (with boosted posts and targeted ads to non-fans), website with a nice graphic, other social audiences, SMS list, and to your email databases with a nice email design inviting your customers to enter to win.
It’s that easy!
This effective holiday sweepstakes strategy will absolutely rocket your Facebook fans, grow your email list, gather more emails from your website visitors (which increases conversion rate), increase Facebook shares, and grow your branded tweets for instance.
Here are some example Woobox sweepstakes to take a look at.
Not only will running this type of holiday sweepstakes grow all of your audiences, but it will actually increase sales because when you promote it with a graphic/popup on your website, it gathers email opt-ins of your site visitors that you can add to your follow-up email campaigns. So, there are multiple benefits to running this type of sweepstakes. It’s also a really great way to convert your email databases into Facebook/Instagram page likes, because they are asked to like your page when entering, which is a great way to boost engagement socially. The benefits of running a Facebook/IG sweepstakes are multi-fold. They work even better if you really get behind promoting them with Facebook/IG boosted posts, Facebook ads to targeted non-fans, sponsored tweets to followers and w, pushing it really hard on your website with an email pop-up box and graphic in the layout, as well as email it a few times to your email databases. People will enter and then share it with their friends to gain additional sweepstakes entries. NOTHING goes viral socially like this type of sweepstakes!
Let me know if you would like to have a quick discussion about how to implement this same type of holiday sweepstakes for your company. My agency can handle the design and implementation of your holiday sweepstakes and have it done a couple of days. We also handle other digital agency services like: SEM, SEO, CRO, social media marketing, content writing, conversion rate optimization, affiliate programs, shopping engines, email marketing, and more.
And remember: You don’t REALLY have a social media strategy without a holiday sweepstakes!
Thanks and have a great holiday season!
Evan Weber, CEO